Sunday, February 10, 2013

Spiral Curriculum

Building Blocks

     Constructivists like Bruner believe that learning is a continuous process and that a student is learning to learn. Jerome Bruner believed that students learned using knowledge they already had. Using previous knowledge the student continually building on what they have already learned and expand their base of knowledge.

    For the new information to be understood by the learner the teacher must adapt the curriculum not only to build on previous knowledge, but to teach it to each student's current level of understanding

The Man Behind It All

Jerome Bruner shares what motivates him and gives the viewer a glimpse into his passion for psychology and learning.

Our friend the philosopher...

Something Old--Socratic Method

     Jerome Bruner encourage teachers to engage student's to discover on their own. The student must question to receive answers and explore many platforms of education to grasp and learn the concept on their terms. Bruner believes strongly in the benefits of teaching with the Socratic Method.
     The Socratic Method is a way of learning by asking questions. This was how classical Greek philosopher, Socrates taught his students. When the student asks questions about the information in front of them they learn to analyze and use their critical thinking skills. This method works well because the student asks what they want to know. It reinforces the constructivist theory of learning to learn. Each student adapts knowledge presented based upon their previous knowledge and curiosity on the subject. Asking a series of questions to gain knowledge helps the student defend their opinion on the subject, and explain it in their own words to others.
     Using the Socratic Method students come to their own conclusion with the guidance of the teachers and the response of others.

"Learning is a process, not a product." - Jerome Bruner (Toward a Theory of Instruction)

Jerome Bruner- American Psychologist/Educator
Constructing Bruner

     Jerome Bruner is considered one of the founding fathers of American Constructivist Theory. An amazing psychologist who has published over forty-four books in his lifetime. He revolutionized education with his views on how children should learn and how teachers should teach.
     At ninety-three years of age Bruner is a senior research fellow at New York University School of Law. He holds an A.B. degree from Duke University and a Ph.D from Harvard University, as well as honorary degrees from several countries and universities